Future trees

Urban climate, Tolerant to drought stress, Robust

Future trees

Future trees that make our cities climate-robust.

For some time now, scientists have been observing a steady warming of the global climate. Climate change has also recently made itself felt in our country through increasingly extreme weather conditions. Long periods of drought and higher temperatures are also changing the living conditions of our trees, and many are becoming ‘stressed’. In practice, it has been found that a number of trees in the range, most of which originate in warmer climatic zones, cope better with these changed climatic conditions. This is an important aspect, as the demands of citizens, politicians and city planners for a greener and thus more liveable environment are currently increasing.

In our range catalogue, we present some of these trees of the future, which will increasingly find their place in our towns and cities in the coming years. The selection we have made is based on practical experience and an evaluation by the Climate Species Matrix (KLAM) according to Prof. Dr. Andreas Roloff.

In this climate species matrix, woody plants are classified according to their suitability for use in the city with predicted climate change. In particular, the factors of winter hardiness and drought stress tolerance for woody plants are included in the evaluation.

We have compiled a range of trees of the future, which you can find in our current Bruns catalogue.


Roloff, A., et al. (2013). Bäume in der Stadt. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer KG